First of all parents on social media: I understand that you have the most amazing, smartest, cutest, all around best (and only) child in the entire universe, but is it really necessary to post 1,231,000 photos of said child (or children) every single day? I understand that some milestones are important to share, like his/her's first day of VPK or how cute he/she looks on Halloween, but honestly 99.9% of us do not care that your sweet baby ate peas for dinner and made 3 poopies. What you leave yourself with is absolutely zero material to embarrass your child with 20 years down the line when he/she brings their significant other home for the first time.
Also dear mothers, please stop bitching about your child, how little sleep you have gotten in the past 48 hours, and how every time you prepare a bottle for baby, you want to drink a whole bottle of wine. Seriously one day that kid (or even worse, prepubescent teenager) will go online and see all of these rants about them and exclaim "I always knew you hated me!"
I'm sure you're all thinking "Well you don't know, you don't have a child yet!" Yes I know I'm not a mother yet, but there's another topic that really grinds my gears that I can relate to... COUPLES on Social Media..
First of all, to those couples who profess their love to each other's Facebook walls, come on, there are other options: Facebook Messenger, text messaging, a phone call, or hell even walking into the other room. If you think that your profession of love showing up on my newsfeed is going to convince me that you love or even like your significant other, you are sadly mistaken.
Hell even engagements and weddings are fair game. These are two of the happiest moments of your life which should be shared with family and friends. However nowadays, its "I've had this ring on my finger for 39.23254 seconds, screw calling my parents, siblings, friends etc, I'm putting this on Facebook so everyone, including the guy I had a one night stand with in college, can know that I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!" IMO give at least 24 hours after said event before posting anything on social media so you can let all the important people know via in person, phone call, text, email, facebook messenger before sharing with the world. The rest of us will be just as happy to find out about your great news 24 hours later as 2 minutes later.
And brides, I know a lot of you are guilty of, "I'm about to walk into my grand entrance for my wedding reception but before I do that I have to change my relationship status, my name, state how HAPPY I am today and post 2,842 selfies in your wedding dress" OMFG put the phone down! You're getting married and hopefully that only happens once in your life. You have friends tagging you in pics and you paid that professional photographer thousands of dollars. That should be enough! #imabouttocutmyweddingcake... how about #imabouttopunchababy
Political / Religious views. Just keep them to yourself. Your 5000 posts for or against aborting your 8 year old child (don't get mad, its a South Park reference) or praising the flying spaghetti monster will not make me change my mind or all of a sudden have me speaking in tongues.
I know it would be easy to just deactivate all my social media accounts, but for every annoying post there is one that I really want to read. So go on, keep posting your funny posts, news articles or even the one of your child on its 1st birthday (babies and cakes are adorable) but I really don't need to know about your nasty infected ingrown toenail.
I know it would be easy to just deactivate all my social media accounts, but for every annoying post there is one that I really want to read. So go on, keep posting your funny posts, news articles or even the one of your child on its 1st birthday (babies and cakes are adorable) but I really don't need to know about your nasty infected ingrown toenail.